What Is AI Reputation Management?

The surge of deep fakes and misinformation–like Taylor Swift photos or inaccurate ChatGPT answers–underscores the need for guardrails in today’s digital “Wild West.” AI Reputation Management is the new field I developed to counteract and correct some of these abuses and issues.

  • The Impact of AI-Generated Misinformation: How Individuals and Businesses Can Protect Themselves from False AI Information
  • Strategies for Building a Positive AI Presence: Ways to Create Accurate ChatGPT and Gemini Representations of You or Your Brand
  • Case Study Showcasing Success: A Real-World Case Study Describing Before-and-After Successful Results

Real World Recent Examples of AI Causing Reputation Damage

  1. Hundreds of businesses just killed their websites with AI

    Businesses are increasingly using AI to generate website content, leading to poor quality and loss of brand identity.

  2. The No. 1 AI mistake job seekers make, from a career expert

    Many job seekers use ChatGPT to write their resumes, which is the wrong way to utilize the AI tool.

  3. 6 harmful ways ChatGPT can be used by bad actors, according to a new study

    A study found that ChatGPT can be misused for plagiarism, misinformation, and other malicious purposes.

  4. Samsung bans use of A.I. like ChatGPT for employees after misuse of the chatbot


    Samsung has banned the use of AI chatbots like ChatGPT for its employees due to concerns over misuse.

    ChatGPT’s unhelpful responses might be your fault


    The quality of ChatGPT’s responses can be influenced by the prompts and instructions provided by the user.

    Key Points
    AI reputation management is a new field that counteracts and corrects misinformation presented in AI platforms.
    It has become necessary because of the rise of deep fakes and misinformation.
    Why Copywriting with AI is Bad Idea

    Using AI for copywriting can lead to generic, unoriginal, and potentially harmful content.

    TurboTax and H&R Block now use AI for tax advice. It’s awful.

    The use of AI for tax advice by popular tax preparation services has resulted in poor and unreliable recommendations.

    ChatGPT for SEO: 9 Best Use Cases (And 4 Suboptimal Ones)

    While ChatGPT can be useful for certain SEO tasks, it should be used cautiously and not as a replacement for human expertise.

    Researchers tested leading AI models for copyright infringement using popular books, and GPT-4 performed worst

    A study found that GPT-4 was the most prone to generating content that infringed on copyrights.

    Google’s Gemini AI Vulnerable to Content Manipulation

    Researchers have found that Google’s Gemini AI chatbot can be manipulated to generate harmful or biased content.

    Google’s Gemini firestorm shows the risks of the company’s race to catch up with its AI rivals

    The issues with Google’s Gemini chatbot highlight the risks of rushing to develop AI technologies to compete with other tech giants.

    In The Wake of Google Gemini’s Chatbot Debacle, An Object Lesson for Banks

    The problems with Google’s Gemini chatbot serve as a cautionary tale for banks and other financial institutions considering the use of AI chatbots.

    4 Of The Most Concerning Things In Google’s Gemini AI Privacy Policy

    The privacy policy for Google’s Gemini AI chatbot raises several concerning issues regarding data collection and usage.

    ChatGPT’s implementation of DALL-E is so dumb

    ChatGPT's implementation of DALL-E is so dumb
    byu/darylonreddit inChatGPT

    The integration of DALL-E image generation capabilities within ChatGPT is criticized as being poorly implemented.

    AI image generators often give racist and sexist results: can they be fixed?

    AI-generated images can often reflect societal biases and prejudices, and researchers are exploring ways to address this issue.

    Microsoft engineer warns company’s AI tool creates violent, sexual images, ignores copyrights

    A Microsoft engineer has raised concerns about the company’s AI tool, Copilot, generating inappropriate and copyright-infringing content.

    How AI-generated disinformation might impact this year’s elections and how journalists should report on it

    Researchers warn about the potential impact of AI-generated disinformation on upcoming elections and provide guidance for journalists on how to report on it.

    Midjourney bans prompts with Joe Biden and Donald Trump, heeding election misinformation concerns
    The AI image generator Midjourney has banned the use of prompts involving US presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump to address concerns over election misinformation.